Week 27: One Tired Pirate

Avast, matey! Ya mayhap seen me and me crew sailing the Grungy Galleon through the rough waters of the Monmouth Independence Parade this mornin’. A fine ship indeed. I be the lady on the bow navigatin’ the stars and spreadin’ the word about Summerfest. Set sail for ye olde Dallas Towne!

But even pirates can only pillage so much.. after spending eight hours in my pirate costume, and six hours in the sun, the day after shooting a two-day destination wedding: I’m tired.

Then I still had to shoot my photo of the week. Fortunately, I still had fun, and learned something about lighting. This is the first week I’ve been able to use my *three* strobes operated by pocket wizards. Now I can actually light with one flash to the left and right, as well as one behind. Finally!

My intention for this photo was to focus on light and texture, along with the sense of exhaustion. Note the silly sunburn from the mixture of off-the-shoulder pirate shirt, strappy straps, wench vest, pistol holster strap and large necklace. I set up one strobe to my left at 1/16 power, and one strobe to my right at 1/64 power. Both on lightstands and shoot-thru umbrellas. The third strobe was behind me, pointing bare at the wall at a less-than 45-degree angle, to skim the texture and bring out the detail in the wall.

Thanks for looking,


4 comments on “Week 27: One Tired Pirate”

  1. This is one of my favorites, Dani. Kind of reminds me of a kitten after a long day of play. Stretched out and ready for a whole week of cat sleep.

  2. Oh Goodness! You really did have some interesting tan lines! You look sort of sad almost. I really love how much of your ink we can see in this, as well as how they look different on the parts of you that are tanned vs. not.

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