Week 24: Gradumacation

Two things I’ve been waiting for…
graduation and sunshine!

Ten of the twelve Visual Communications graduates walked at the graduation ceremony, and we all decorated our hats with buttons we made and shared. We didn’t actually throw our hats, for fear that the added weight of all the buttons may lead to an injury.

I was, well, honored, to graduate with honors. Somehow I managed to earn a 4.0 over the course of my whole college career. Not sure how I pulled that one off, but I’m not complaining!

I set up my camera in mid-day sun to intentionally catch the sun flares. I filled the shadows with my SB-900, to the left of the camera, shot bare at full power. My experiment this week was to catch motion blur. It’s not something I do, even in my action shots, as I usually try to freeze all motion. As it is.. I don’t know if I like the blur. Yes it conveys a sense of motion, but wouldn’t it be more awesome to have stopped the motion? Hmm. Something I may always debate..

*Note* Weeks 25 and 26 may be posted the following Mondays, rather than the usual Sunday. Now that I’m graduated… let the summer vacation begin!

Thanks for looking,

One comment on “Week 24: Gradumacation”

  1. I like the motion! The buttons are freaking epic, as is the title!

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